def configure_game():
def play():
def check_win():
def check_lose():
def play_again():
if __name__ == "__main__":
def configure_game():
A variable to hold the number of starting lives
lives = 5
A list of words to be used for guessing.
This 'for' loop is reading in each line from the file 'words.txt' and then removing the new line identifier '\n' from the end of each word being loaded. Ensure a file 'words.txt' is available and contains a few words, each on a new line. We
also encapsulate this in a TRY/EXCEPT block. This will alert the player the words.txt file could not be loaded if it is in fact missing.
    words = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(r"c:/Users/slashroot/Desktop/words.txt")]
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("*** WORDS.TXT FILE NOT FOUND ***")
A word to be used for this instance of the game. We are randomly choosing a word from the list with the help of the 'random' library. We now need to make sure we import this library.
word_to_guess = random.choice(words)
As we do not want to display the word to the player, we will create a 'current_guess' variable that is the same length as the 'word_to_guess' variable. This variable will simply be the character '_' multiplied by the number
of characters in the 'word_to_guess'. Therefore, if the 'word_to_guess' is 'cheese'. The starting point for 'current_guess' is '_ _ _ _ _ _'. We will then dynamically update this variable with the characters the player guesses.
current_guess = len(word_to_guess) * '_'
This completes the function. We do have one last thing to do however, we need to make these variables accessible from outside of this function, therefore, we need to make them 'global'.
We do this by using the keyword 'global'. We'll reposition this statement in our final function below.
global lives, word_to_guess, current_guess
The complete configure_game() function is below:
def configure_game():
    global lives, word_to_guess, current_guess
    lives = 5
       words = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(r"c:/Users/slashroot/Desktop/words.txt")]
    except FileNotFoundError:
       print("*** WORDS.TXT FILE NOT FOUND ***")
    word_to_guess = random.choice(words)
    current_guess = len(word_to_guess) * '_'
My 'words.txt' document holds the following:
def check_win():
This function is used to check whether is symbol "_" currently exists within the current_guess variable. If it does, not all characters have been guessed, therefore, the win
condition has not been met and the bool false is returned. The symbol "_" is replaced with guesses in the play function - if the guess is in the word.
if "_" in current_guess:
    return True
    return False
The complete check_win() function is below:
def check_win():
    if "_" in current_guess:
       return True
       return False
def lives():
Tell the function we are using the global lives variable.
global lives
This if statement is used to check if the current lives integer is above the value 0. If it is, the game continues with a bool value of true being returned. The play function decrements the lives
integer if the current_guess is not present in the word_to_guess.
if lives > 0:
    return True
    return False
The complete check_lives() function is below:
def check_lives():
   global lives
   if lives > 0:
       return True
       return False
def play():
Declare the usage of global variables: lives, current_guess.
global lives, current_guess
Start an infinite loop for the game.
while True:
Check if the player has lost the game.
if check_lives() == False:
print("You have lost!")
Check if the player has won the game.
if check_win() == False:
print("You have won!")
Ask the player to input a letter for guessing.
while True:
guess = input("Guess a letter: ")
if guess.isalpha() != True:
print("You must enter a single letter!")
elif len(guess) > 1:
print("You are only allowed to enter a single character!")
Check if the guessed letter is not in the word to guess.
if guess not in word_to_guess:
lives -= 1
print("Letter not found!")
If the guessed letter is in the word to guess, update the current guess.
for i in range(len(word_to_guess)):
if guess == word_to_guess[i]:
temp = list(current_guess)
temp[i] = guess
current_guess = "".join(temp)
print(guess + " is in the word!")
Clear the console screen.
Print the current lives and current guess.
print("Current lives: " + str(lives))
print("Current guess: " + current_guess)
def play_again():
Start an infinite loop for prompting the player.
while True:
Ask the player if they want to play again.
again = input("Do you want to play again 'y' or 'n'? ")
Check if the input is not 'y' or 'n' and display an error message.
if not (again == 'y' or again == 'n'):
print("You must enter a single 'y' or 'n' to play again or quit!")
If the input is valid, exit the loop.
Check if the player wants to play again or quit and return the corresponding value.
if again == 'y':
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
Start an infinite loop for the game.
while True:
Configure the game settings.
Play the game.
Check if the player wants to play again.
if play_again() == False:
If not, break out of the infinite loop and end the program.
import random import os import time def play_again(): while True: again = input("Do you want to play again 'y' or 'n'? ") if not (again == 'y' or again == 'n'): print("You much enter a single 'y' or 'n' to play again or quit!") else: break if again == 'y': return True else: return False def configure_game(): global lives, word_to_guess, current_guess lives = 5 try: words = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(r"c:/Users/slashroot/Desktop/words.txt")] except FileNotFoundError: print("*** WORDS.TXT FILE NOT FOUND ***") return word_to_guess = random.choice(words) current_guess = len(word_to_guess) * '_' def check_win(): if "_" in current_guess: return True else: return False def check_lives(): global lives if lives > 0: return True else: return False def play(): global lives, current_guess while True: if check_lives() == False: print("You have lost!") break if check_win() == False: print("You have won!") break while True: guess = input("Guess a letter: ") if guess.isalpha() != True: print("You much enter a single letter!") elif len(guess) > 1: print("You are only allowed to enter a single character!") else: break if guess not in word_to_guess: lives -= 1 print("Letter not found!") time.sleep(1) else: for i in range(len(word_to_guess)): if guess == word_to_guess[i]: temp = list(current_guess) temp[i] = guess current_guess = "".join(temp) print(guess + " is in the word!") time.sleep(1) os.system('cls') print("Current lives: " + str(lives)) print("Current guess: " + current_guess) if __name__ == "__main__": while True: configure_game() play() if play_again() == False: break
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