Hi, welcome to my website. I've personally written, built, and provide these resources free for the purposes of learning about cybersecurity and its concepts. I hope I don't need to say it, but NEVER deploy any of the vulnerable systems taken from this website in a production environment.
Building an Active Directory Pentest Lab
1. Active Directory Lab Build - Downloading images and setting up VMware 2. Active Directory Lab Build - Creating the Virtual Machines 3. Active Directory Lab Build - Installing and initial configuration of the Domain Controller 4. Active Directory Lab Build - Installing and configuring Active Directory on the Domain Controller 5. Active Directory Lab Build - Creating Organizational Units and Domain Administrators 6. Active Directory Lab Build - Configuring the DHCP server 7. Active Directory Lab Build - Configuring the file server (coming soon) 8. Active Directory Lab Build - Configuring NAT on the Domain Controller (coming soon) 9. Active Directory Lab Build - Installing Windows 10 on the client VMs (coming soon) 10. Active Directory Lab Build - Joining the Domain and first login on the clients (coming soon)Python Fundamentals
Strings Integers and Floats Lists Dictionaries Tuples Booleans All & Any The IF statement IF statements using logical operators and conditional expressions Loops - 'for' and 'while' Loops - 'enumerate' and list comprehension Loops - 'continue' and 'pass' Imports and Modules Functions Classes Reading and Writing FilesPython Advanced Concepts
Unit Testing with unittest Creating Python Documentation with Pydoc Custom Context ManagersPython Useful Modules
Understanding the Pathlib Module in PythonPython Consolidation Projects and Challenges
Creating a simple tool to capture employees and calculate pay rises Creating a Hangman game (including functions and reading files) Creating a useful tool downloader/creator using ArgparsePython Networking Projects
Creating a simple TCP server to receive a text file from a client Creating a SSH client using Paramiko Creating a multi-threaded webscraper Creating a file downloader with user input Creating a secure file downloader over SSHDocker, Compose, Swarm
Install Docker Docker Swarm Setup and Application Deployment on Ubuntu Obtain Let's Encrypt Certificate using Docker and DNS challenge (Cloudflare)Kubernetes
Installing and initilising a K8S cluster on Ubuntu Kubernetes using NGINX as an external Load Balancer Setup Guide Kubernetes NGINX NodePort Deployment Guide Kubernetes NGINX LoadBalancer Service Deployment Guide Kubernetes Persistent Volumes Deployment Guide utilising an external NFSGuides
Local Host Discovery Setting up SSH with password and key authentication Setting up a virtual lab in VirtualBox type 2 hypervisor Setting up a virtual lab in VMware with pfSense as a gateway Converting DECIMAL to HEXIDECIMAL and vice versa (manually)Great Resources
MalAPI - malware evasion API use HASH identifier HASH lookup GTFOBins Unprotect Project - malware evasion techniques Threatcops - OSINT tools Revshells - Create any reverse shell Enigmator - decryption tools SQLi payload list Linux Journey - learn Linux online CyberChef - encode, encrypt, decrypt, identifyChallenges
These are 15 CTF style VMs. Please email if you would like instructions and links to download.
Email: [email protected]